Fly-by: publishing news/returning soon

Oh hi! Thanks for your patience! It’s been a busy couple of weeks for me for personal reasons, but I am back in Spare Oom and working hard to complete Queen Ophelia’s War, start revision on Theadia, and more. Which means I’ll be back here and blogging hopefully by next week!

And now for the news: I will be migrating my ebook platform from Smashwords to Draft2Digital! I’m hoping this will be super easy for both you and me, as D2D has acquired Smashwords and they’re doing all they can to make the migration and integration smooth and easy. I may need to do some heavy updating of my book links hither and yon, but that shouldn’t be too much of a headache.

Oh! And one of the neat things about D2D is that they’ll offer print on demand! Yes, this means that you’ll be able to acquire all of my books in print at some point in the near future! Woo! This is great news, as currently I only have the three print books in the Mendaihu Universe hanging out on Amazon where they’ve been doing absolutely bupkis for ages and I’ve been wanting to take them off that site for a while now.

So yeah…exciting things coming up in the future! See you soon!